A Dreamy Wedding at Château Sainte Roseline in Var, France: A Love Story of Dreams Fulfilled

In the charming village of Mougins, France, nestled amidst the serene landscapes of the French Riviera, the groom and bride each embarked on their own unique paths of preparation, converging towards a shared moment of union.

First I photographed Arnaud’s preparation, and oh my! there was a joyful ambiance!

Surrounded by his closest friends, he readied himself with a mixture of nerves and excitement.

temoin aide groom a s'habiller

Then I went to Aurelie’s villa.  The bridal preparation was calm and delicate as the bride and her mother readied themselves for the day ahead. With a close bond, they carefully arranged lace veils and jewelry, sharing laughs and quiet guidance. 

The bride’s small daughter, filled with wonder, looked at the wedding gown while her mother was in the hands of the skilled make up artist. 

This was a cherished moment where three generations united, weaving tradition, love, and anticipation into lasting memories.

bride get her hair done

porch adorned with flowers
front door with flowers
wedding dress
wedding dress
maquillage mariée

After the civil ceremonie at Mougins old village town hall, we moved to Chateau Sainte Roseline, in the Var region, where we assisted to a moving wedding ceremony.

From then on the festivities started until the night.